Your VWI Committee

President: Jane

Treasurer/Secretary: Natasha

Secretary: Teresa

Committee Member: Pat

CEach WI and VWI has a Committee, which ensures the smooth running of the WI in accordance to the the WI constitution. The committee also organises events and activities.

There are three officer positions on the Committee:

  • The President
  • The Secretary
  • The Treasurer

If you are a paid up member of our VWI, you can join the Committee. This gives you an ideal opportunity to help to shape our VWI and to contribute new ideas for events and activities. Each year, at our Annual Meeting in January, we will vote in our President. Immediately following this, we will appoint our remaining officer roles from those on the Committee. However, you can join the committee at any time.

Our Committee meets once a month. If you’re interested, or would like further details, please email us at